The Psychological Impact of Car Accidents

Nearly everyone knows that they have the right to claim compensation in a motor vehicle accident. But did you know that you can also claim compensation if your injuries are psychological?

If you have suffered a psychological impairment as a result of an auto accident, even if you had no physical injury, you may be able to receive compensation based on the impairment. You may be eligible to be compensated for pain and suffering, past medical expenses, past loss of income and/or future loss of income.

Psychological Impact of Car Accidents

The GEPIC, or Guide to Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment for Clinicians, is the accepted medical standard for determining psychological impairment, defined as “pure mental harm.” If you have been in an accident and are found to have sustained pure mental harm, you may be entitled to compensation for your impairment.

The GEPIC test or table uses numerous factors to assess pure mental harm, such as thinking, intelligence, judgment, perception, behaviour and mood.

Another relevant term: consequential mental harm. That means psychological harm as the result of a physical injury. For example, you could sustain a back injury or a concussion and develop a depressive disorder as a result of lifestyle change, chronic pain or neurological injury. This may be lumped in with the physical injury and compensation for the psychological component may be less than if you suffer pure mental harm.

Hire a Great Compensation Lawyer

Due to the complexity of laws in WA and the structure of all complaints going through the Insurance Commission of Western Australia, it is important that you find an experienced and talented compensation lawyer. A great compensation lawyer can take care of the legal end, leaving you time to focus on your recovery, which should be your first priority.

Bradford Legal: Your Best Choice

At Bradford Legal, we have a long track record of success. We know how to document your condition and present your case to the Commission to help you get the compensation to which you are rightfully entitled to.

If you have been in an accident and may have suffered psychological or personal injuries, make sure you get the compensation you deserve. Call 1300 738 303 today for a consultation.

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